Friday, February 22, 2013

Buy it Before You Try It!

My next piece of twisted writing can be found in an anthology from Gutter Books called Out of the Gutter 8. The story is called You Oughtta be in Pictures that I should have been pimping in time for Valentine's day. It's a rather romantic little piece of flash about sex and porno and, I mean stuff.

Anyway, as much as I would love to put up a link where you can read it for free, you have to BUY it! Moohoohaha (evil laugh). It is my second story in one of the Out of the Gutter print offerings and you can purchase it here in solid form or for your lovely electronic reading device. I prefer Kindle...when you get tired of reading, you can watch porn on it. Or Netflix.  Here's the link for purchasing OOTG 8

As well as a lovely picture...

Yep, that's my name on the cover. Yep, I'm bragging about that. bitch.

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